Per Capita launches the Centre for New Industry

August 25, 2022

Per Capita is proud to launch the Centre for New Industry, a research centre to tackle Australia’s economic, climate and employment challenges and propose bold and courageous industrial policy solutions. The landmark report, A Blueprint for Better, Cleaner Jobs provides a step-by-step road map for Australia’s inevitable move to a post-carbon economy.

Per Capita Executive Director, Emma Dawson, said Per Capita is launching the Centre for New Industry as part of our work to support the creation of a full employment, post-carbon economy and ensure we create the jobs of the future.”

Director of the Centre for New Industry, Shirley Jackson, said “The political, ecological and economic challenge of decarbonising Australia’s energy and industrial base is crying out for leadership. The next five to ten years are crucial to ensure that the worst outcomes of the climate crisis are mitigated, and we have a unique opportunity to reframe our economy in the interests of the people who work within it.”

“We need plans for affected communities that are based on concrete, deliverable employment pathways, tied to specific industries, in specific locations. Crucially, training and re-skilling should be prioritised and local communities must have a say in determining their future,” said Mr Jackson.

For more information, download the Centre for New Industry brochure here.