Webinar: Top Blokes – The Larrikin Myth, Class and Power – with Lech Blaine

November 17, 2021

Past Events

Lech Blaine discusses his Quarterly Essay with Emma Dawson.

What makes a top bloke? Does the myth of the larrikin still hold sway? And whatever happened to class in Australia? In his perceptive and often hilarious Quarterly Essay, Lech Blaine dissects some top blokes, with particular focus on Scott Morrison and Anthony Albanese, but stretching back to Bob Hawke and Kerry Packer. It is a riveting narrative of how image conquered politics, just as globalisation engulfed the Australian economy. While many got rich and entertained, look where we ended up.

“Anti-authoritarianism doesn’t need the vocabulary of the bush poets, the accent of Mick Dundee or the imprimatur of the shock jocks and media tycoons to inspire social change. It sounds like Grace Tame, and acts like Behrouz Boochani, and looks like Adam Goodes.” — Lech Blaine, Top Blokes

Webinar recorded on 17 November, 2021.