Small steps and giant leaps: Per Capita’s reform agenda – November John Cain Lunch

November 22, 2023

Past Events

Emma Dawson

Executive Director, Per Capita

Per Capita works to build a new vision for Australia based on fairness, shared prosperity, and social justice. From housing to tax, employment services to industrial relations, poverty to evidence-based policy, these issues all have the potential to influence the lives of Australians either by distributing resources more equitably or by allocating them to the already wealthy few. Per Capita challenges the dominant narrative that disadvantage arises from personal fault or failure by pointing out the policy choices that have deepened inequality and proposing alternative choices that will lessen it.

For our November John Cain Lunch, Emma Dawson and Matt Lloyd-Cape took us for a tour through our recent work and our next steps to further our advocacy in 2024.