Emerging Ageing: Co-designing Responses to Positive Ageing for New and Emerging Migrant Communities

May 3, 2018


This report, by Per Capita’s Centre for Applied Policy in Positive Ageing (CAPPA) in partnership with The Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria (ECCV) explores how Australia’s newer and emerging migrant communities can locate themselves within the Australian aged care system.

Members of these communities are ageing for the first time in Australia and many see their community lacking resources, infrastructure, service system knowledge, mainstream recognition, and culturally appropriate services.

The focus of this emerging Ageing project was to understand what ‘positive ageing’ means to older Victorians from new and emerging communities and to eliminate barriers to accessing ageing and aged care services.

ECCV and Per Capita undertook a co-design initiative, linking previous research with contributions from community members themselves. During the co-design process, we learnt that a surprising number of seniors from new and emerging communities were open to receiving aged care services that support their continued independence. On the other hand, there was a marked lack of confidence and lack of ability to navigate the aged care service system.

This Emerging Ageing project report offers two innovative co-design models and a number of key recommendations to support Government planning and influence decision-makers to drive positive ageing outcomes for new and emerging communities.