JCL Series: Building the Foundations of the Future – Peter Khalil MP

August 29, 2023

Peter Khalil - John Cain Lunch

What can be done to build more homes sooner, drive down prices and make the Australian dream a reality for more people?  

Peter Khalil MP joined Per Capita for their August John Cain Lunch to lead a discussion focused on tackling the current housing crisis. 

Peter Khalil is the Federal Labor member for Wills. The son of migrant parents, Peter grew up in public housing in inner-city Melbourne. He worked night shifts at the local servo to get through university, later opening his own small business. Peter was elected to Federal Parliament in 2016. He is the current Chair of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security (PJCIS) and has previously served as the Deputy Chair of the Parliamentary Committee on Treaties (2019 – 2022), as well as a member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade. 

His speech Building the Foundations of the Future – Solutions to the Housing Crisis was recorded on the 23rd of August 2023.