Per Capita joins team to develop framework for addressing rising inequality.*
Today, former Federal Treasurer Wayne Swan launched the Inclusive Prosperity Commission. It is the Australian counterpart to the Inclusive Prosperity Commission housed within the Center for American progress, launched by President Obama to address concerns over rising levels of inequality in the US.
Per Capita is delighted to announce that two of our own are among the Commissioners for this new initiative. Per Capita Executive Director David Hetherington, and Research Fellow Stephen Koukoulas will join Cameron Clyne, Peter Whiteford, Rebecca Huntley, David Oliver and Tony Nicholson as the Commissioners. The co-chairs of the Commission will be Wayne Swan and Michael Cooney.
The Commission’s work will focus on developing a new economic policy framework for Australia to go beyond the end of the GFC and the mining boom, and in particular to develop policies to address job creation and inclusive growth in an increasingly globalised economy. “Our central principle is that equality itself is a driving force for economic growth” said Swan.
The Commission will conduct public meetings and hearings and undertake research throughout 2015 and 2016, and the project will culminate in the release of a public report prior to the next Federal Election.
We’ll keep you posted on the work of the commission through out website and social media.