David Hetherington on The Drum – 24 October 2018

October 24, 2018

Senior Research Fellow David Hetherington appeared on The Drum alongside the National Party’s federal vice president and director of corporate counsel at Barton Deakin, Katrina Hodgkinson, author & lawyer Rabia Siddique, and The Conversation business & economy editor Peter Martin to discuss coal and energy policy, falling house prices in Sydney and Melbourne, and the role of ex-PMs.

“There is nothing the government can do to provide security for investment in coal-fired power generation, but I do think the government does have a lever for providing investment security around energy generation more broadly,” he said. “Both private capital and governments are looking to decarbonise economies, whether through carbon trade regimes or fuel emissions standards. In Australia there is no clarity around the way Australia will go down and decarbonisation path. Until markets have confidence that of the environment they are investing in will remain stable, there will be an investment strike which is where they are now.”
