Jobs for Australia online symposium

June 1, 2020


We’d very much like to extend our thanks to everyone who attended our Jobs for Australia online symposium on Friday 29th May.

The event marked the 75th anniversary of the Curtin White Paper on Full Employment and the launch of our own project on full employment: Jobs for Australia.

Taking inspiration from the postwar Labor Governments of John Curtin and Ben Chifley, our Jobs for Australia project is rooted in the explicit purpose of reducing inequality and constructing an economically and ecologically sustainable world.

Please find the recordings and slides from the day linked below, and don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on Facebook and Twitter to be kept up to date with the project.

If you are one of those fortunate enough to still be in secure work, and have the capacity to contribute to this important project, please consider making a tax deductible donation to Per Capita’s research fund here, or by contacting us as


Session 1 – Full Employment: A Labor Legacy

Wayne Swan in conversation with Emma Dawson

Full recording of the session


Session 2 – What do we mean by full employment?

with Andrew Leigh MP and Ged Kearney MP

Full recording of the session


Breakout session 1 – How do we tackle underemployment and insecure work?

moderated by Per Capita Research Economist Matthew Lloyd-Cape

Full recording coming soon

Slides: How do we tackle underemployment and insecure work?


Breakout session 2 – Employment services reform

moderated by Per Capita Research Associate Simone Casey

Full recording of the session


Breakout session 3 – Rebuilding our manufacturing capacity

moderated by Per Capita Senior Economist Shirley Jackson

Full recording of the session

Slides: Rebuilding our manufacturing capacity


Breakout session 4 – Investing in social (public and community) housing

moderated by Per Capita Research Associate Abigail Lewis and Director of Social Innovation Myfan Jordan

Full recording of the session

Slides: Investing in social housing

Slides: Housing Australia’s diverse and ageing population


Final session – How do we rebuild a full employment economy?

Michele O’Neil in conversation with Dr John Falzon

Full recording of the session

Full transcript of Emma’s concluding words