Gender Equality

Women and other gender-diverse people continue to experience economic, material and social disadvantage. Australia has dropped from 15th in the world on the Global Gender Gap Index to 44th over the 14 years to 2020. From lower pay and less superannuation to a higher risk of experiencing family violence and homelessness and a disproportionate load of domestic labour and caring responsibilities, there is much work to be done still to achieve gender equality.

Gender Equality
October 9, 2024

Submission to the Wage Justice for Early Childhood Education and Care Workers Inquiry

The historical undervaluation of work primarily done by women remains a key driver of this gap and the entrenched inequalities in the labour market today.
Gender Equality
October 5, 2022

A Home of One’s Own: Philanthropic and social sector solutions for women’s housing

Australia is experiencing a housing crisis, and its impact is highly gendered.
Homepage Feature
September 30, 2022

Submission to the Senate Select Committee Inquiry into Work and Care

Consideration of how we might better balance the demands of paid labour with the needs of our families and loved ones is fundamental to creating a more equitable and just society.
Gender Equality
November 30, 2021

Submission to the Review of the Workplace Gender Equality Act

Per Capita welcomes the opportunity to contribute this submission to the Review of the Workplace Gender Equality Act, 2012 (the Act), which sets the scope of work for the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA). The Act has not been reviewed since its introduction in 2012, and the public’s understanding of the gender pay gap, and ... Read more
Gender Equality
August 31, 2020

The ‘Herstory’ of Superannuation

This report looks at the history of superannuation for Australian women, marks its progress towards equity, and identifies what more could to be done to improve the system in order to mitigate women’s vulnerability to poverty in retirement.
Gender Equality
March 3, 2020

Measure for Measure: Gender Equality in Australia

Gendered data matters. Regular, transparent reports on performance against an agreed set of indicators are critical if we are to achieve the goal of gender equality. Without accountability, closing the gender gap in Australia and across the globe will remain merely an aspirational goal, rather than an achievable target. This report is intended to provide the foundation for a long-term project to produce a national, comprehensive longitudinal study of the progress towards gender equality in Australia.
April 2, 2019

Per Capita’s 2019 Fantasy Budget

Every year, progressive think tank Per Capita releases its fantasy budget: a set of budget priorities that, if implemented, would progress Australia towards a more equal society. Here are our budget priorities this year.
Work and Workers
February 28, 2018

The Future of the Fair Go: Securing Shared Prosperity for Australian Workers

The government must intervene to secure the hard-fought-for right of Australian workers to receive a living wage in return for their labour.
Gender Equality
November 10, 2017

Eliza’s Project: Gender Inclusion in the Co-op Sector in Australia

Women make up 46 per cent of the Australian workforce, but in every industry and sector, women are under-represented in leadership positions. This is true for the corporate sector as well as the co-operative and mutual sector.
September 12, 2017

Money for Jam: Financial Wellbeing through Micro-enterprise

Enabling women over 50 at risk of poverty to create financial wellbeing through micro-enterprise
July 20, 2017

Not So Super, For Women: Superannuation and Women’s Retirement Outcomes

In a significant research collaboration, Per Capita and the Australian Services Union have looked at the way the the super system is failing women.
May 9, 2016

Money For Jam: a co-design project

A co-design project enabling women at risk of poverty to create financial wellbeing through microenterprise.