
In theory, education paves the road to a good job, which can lift people out of poverty and create a more equal society. In practice, however, the link between additional years of post-secondary education and increased income and employment opportunities has been eroded over recent decades. A good education should be accessible for all, not only for those who were born into a wealthy family.

August 25, 2023

Submission to the Inquiry into the Higher Education Support Amendment

Per Capita supports the five priority actions outlined in the Interim Report, as well as the Government’s commitment to implement them all.
February 28, 2023

Submission: Abolishing Indexation and Raising the Minimum Repayment Income for Education and Training Loans Bill

In this submission, we argue in favour of the Bill, agreeing with its stated aims of improving the fairness of the funding schemes for post-secondary education and the two proposed solutions, namely to increase the repayment threshold to the median wage and abolish indexation of the loans.
Our Media
August 31, 2021

Uniform resource rent tax for a better future

Emma Dawson in Independent Australia
April 2, 2019

Per Capita’s 2019 Fantasy Budget

Every year, progressive think tank Per Capita releases its fantasy budget: a set of budget priorities that, if implemented, would progress Australia towards a more equal society. Here are our budget priorities this year.
July 12, 2018

Submission: Inquiry into the Competitive Neutrality of the National Broadcasters

Public broadcasting exists to serve the interests of the public as citizens, not as consumers.
June 4, 2017

Stories to Tell: Protecting Australian Children’s Screen Content

Australian children’s screen content is facing an existential threat as a result of several distinct, but interrelated factors. This paper outlines these challenges and proposes a way forward for the ongoing support of original Australian children’s screen content in the digital age.
March 6, 2014

Who’s Afraid of a Public School? Public Perceptions of Education in Australia

Children's education has become the new topic du jour in Australia. This report measures and explores the attitudes of Australians towards public education. By Verity Firth and Rebecca Huntley.
October 21, 2013

Social Innovation, Public Good: New Approaches to Public Sector Productivity

How does one 'price' a well-educated child or a rapidly cured patient? This report argues that that we should look to the not-for-profit sector to measure social return on investment. By David Hetherington.
July 21, 2013

Training Days: Models of Vocational Training Provision: Lessons from the Victorian Experience

Per Capita evaluates the experience of contestability in vocational training in Victoria. By David Hetherington.
October 24, 2008

A better design of the market for vocational education and training in Australia?

Training is important to wider social and economic policy questions - but it is not done well enough at the moment and this needs to change. This paper argues that the case for reforming vocational education and training in Australia is strong. By Mmichael Cooney.