2022-23 End of Financial Year Impact Report

July 14, 2023


This financial year, Per Capita helped achieve several significant policy wins:

Single Parenting Payment 

Per Capita has long advocated for the reversal of the decision to push single parents on to JobSeeker once their youngest child turns 8. The Labor Government’s decision to reinstate the single parenting payment until the youngest child turns 14 reflects our advocacy on this issue. 

Aged Care Workforce Funding 

Our report The Case for a Care-led Recovery and Executive Director Emma Dawson’s advocacy around the care economy has helped to achieve a significant pay rise for workers in the Aged Care sector, ensuring that these essential workers are able to maintain a career in this vital sector and improving the quality of care for all Australians. 

Abolition of ParentsNext 

Our submission to the Workforce Australia Inquiry into ParentsNext and Pre- Employment Programs recommended the abolition of ParentsNext, a punitive and ineffective employment program. The government has since announced their intention to do just that. The nature of the service to replace ParentsNext is closely aligned with our recommendations. 

Free TAFE 

The Federal Government’s 2023 budget included free TAFE places for Australians studying in areas of skills shortage, as recommended in our report Coming of Age in a Crisis.

We also The Centre for Equitable Housing, the Australian Inequality Index and Per Capita Podcasts.

Download our 2022-23 End of Financial Year Impact Report here.